Join me for breath workshops at Sun & Moon Gathering 10 - 16 August. Learn more

Welcome to Breatherapy

Discover a powerful, natural way to heal with Alan Ball

Come out stronger, healthier and happier

   Unlock your power to heal, it's not about holding on - it's about letting go  

Helping the body's own defence mechanism, breathwork can be the catalyst to a happier, healthy, more conscious life.

What I offer

Taking time out to concentrate on your breathing should become a key daily practice and will help balance the demands we put on ourselves both professionally and personally.

Based in West Sussex, I work with my clients and their breathing technique; helping them breathe more efficiently. Breathing deeper into the diaphragm frees up more lung capacity and improves overall health. Migrating from a chest breath (fight or flight) to an abdominal breath (rest and digest) results in a myriad of health benefits.

Meet Alan Ball

Life always has a habit of throwing not one, but several challenges all at the same time. In 2018, this was exactly what Alan was facing. 

Find out how a beginner's Conscious Connected Breathwork class led Alan on a journey of discussion, debate, soul searching and self-discovery.

You and your breath, so simple, so powerful, life changing

To find out more, email me: 

or call 07771 908727


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